Essay on “Power of the Press” In English


Essay on “Power of the Press” In English

The newspapers keep us in touch with the events of our country and that of the world. It is a very good agency of information and education. Articles appear on all subjects. Science, culture, literature, politics, commerce and education, etc. 

In periodicals and newspapers. These articles increase our knowledge and broaden our outlook. The newspapers govern the current of ideas and control the course of social and political life. Businessmen come to know the market situation and prices of various things, such as gold, silver, etc. 

The worried parents get information about brides and bridegroooms for their sons and daughters. The press brings employment to the jobless employees to the employers and buyers to the sellers, etc. As an agent of propaganda, it can create war today and make peace tomorrow.

The press performs a very important role as guide, educator and check to the public and to the government. It keeps our knowledge of current affairs up-to-date. Burke once said that there were three Estates in the Parliament but 'press' was the fourth Estate, more powerful than all the other Estates. The influence of the press on the people is no less than on the government. 

It tries to create a healthy public opinion by exposing the shortcomings. The press is monopolised by, big businessmen or political parties. They use it in their own interests. Sometimes the Press-reporters misrepresent facts and figures, wilful perversion and distortion of facts, prejudice against caste and creed and malicious propaganda cause much harm to nation and a serious set-back to democracy. 

The papers patronised by capitalists suppress truth, inflame passions and misguide the innocent public. They oppose or misrepresent the government policies. Sometimes they mislead the public by inserting in their columns domestic scandals, spicy stories of crimes, obscene jokes and crude love stories.

The press, eversince independence, has been enjoying full freedom. The freedom of press is suppressed in dictatorship. During the emergency period in our country, the freedom of the press was restricted and only those items of news which served thhe interests of the dictators, were published in the newspapers.

The Defence of India Rules and the Maintenance of Internal Security Act were misused by the government. The fall of Congress Government was consequent upon the fact that it denied full freedom to the press. 

The Janata Government removed all restrictions. With a view to freeing the press from the slavery of the capitalist and the government, it is necessary to establish the working class and popular press. The Central Government it proposing to make a legislation to cure the press of its ills. 

The bill includes diffusion of ownership, representation of employees in the management, protection of small papers and pricing of papers according to the page. It is fact, that the epress needs to be reformed in our country. But the government should do it without robbing the press of its freedom

The press is benefactor of mankind. It is a social reformer, a champion of freedom and democracy, a teacher of common man and an important critic of public. It is a very good source of entertainment. Hence the press owes responsibility towards citizens and the government.  The editor has to discharge his duties with utmost care and sincerity. The pen of a editor is mighter than the sword of Nepoleon.