Work Is Worship Essay


 Work Is Worship Essay

Action is the supreme force around which we move day and night. Action is the very breath of life. In fact, life means action, 'An empty mind is devil's workshop'. An employed man has no leisure to involve himself in foolish thoughts. 

Action is the supreme force around which we move day and night. Action is the very breath of life. In fact, life means action, 'An empty mind is devil's workshop'. An employed man has no leisure to involve himself in foolish thoughts

And lift them to the sky.' Brave man is really the glory of the nation. Mhatma Gandhi, Abraham Lincoln, Jawaharlal Nehru are the examples of service and sacrifice. These great men, first, worked hard day and night and then they got success and fame.

 Great men leave the foot-prints of their work on the sand of time. They are regular and punctual in their work. Nature inspires and encourages such men to be busy at work. Man is born with endless desires, aspirations ard ambitions. 

Man devotes his whole life to satisfy the desires but he cannot. The fulfilment of one desire gives birth to another new desire. Man is busy throughout his life. Work done in this way does not bring him real happiness as he does it with a feeling of attachment. Work done without hope or fruit brings joy and not frustration or disappointment.

Lord Krishana says, "Action is thy duty, reward is not thy concern." Krishna gave Arjuna the message of work or action without any sort of attachment to its rewared. Holy books of every religion teach us that the true worship of God lies in the work done with a feeling of detachment towards its reward.

All great men have been men of action. They never spent their life in idle contemplation. They acted with determination and won success. Mahatma gandhi, Subhash Chand Bose, George Washington, Abraham Liincoln are immortal and shall be known for ever on account of their brilliant actions and noble deeds. Hence it is correct to say that work is worship' or 'work is devotion to God'.