Poets have always sung the praises of village life. Literary men like Lord Byron longed for the mountains and rivers, preferring them to the company of human beings. William Cowper said, "God made the country and man made the town".

By visiting a village, a city dweller finds a great difference in the quality of life a simple villager leads. He gets up at dawn to the clarion call of the cock and the twittering of the innumerable birds - Nature's own symphony.

The day begins with the milking of the cattle which make a merry sound with the jingling of tiny bells round their necks. A working villager needs no exercise as he lives an active life. He takes his cattle, sheep or goats to graze with a happy song on his lips or playing on his flute.

Everywhere the village is full of greenery. The sun rises in all its splendour and bathes the ribbon-like streams and the pale grey hillsides with its golden rays.

Some people go to work in the fields. Some are busy digging, others busy irrigating their crops and enjoy their early morning work which not only keeps their bodies in good health but also their minds at rest.

The food eaten by the villagers is generally simple but nourishing. Their dress is simple. On festive days they wear colourful clothes and enjoy themselves singing and dancing to the tune of the folk-music. The women-folk gossip at the villagewell and carry huge pots of water. It is a lovely sight to see

children playing and rolling over the green grass. It is wonderful to see men in their small boats on the rivers and rivulets. Moreover, the air is pure unlike the polluted air of the cities. The most wonderful experience in a village is to watch the starry sky at night. It brings peace and tranquility to the mind.

DIFFICULT WORDS Clarion-rousing call, Symphony-harmonious musical composition, To gossip-to indulge in idle talk.