Essay on National integration In English


 Essay on National integration In English

India is a country where persons of different castes, creeds and religions live together, Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru and other Indian leaders aspired to make India one of the greatest countries of the world. Their first task was to ensure economic prosperity and unite the people into a nation. 

'National Integration' is a term thats gives the simple idea of the feeling of oneness by the people in a nation. In India, narrow considerations like communalism, sectarianism, regionalism etc. seem to dominate the country. 

It is true that no nation can progress until it is well united and well integrated politically, economically and socially. Hence National Integration is the most urgent need for the spirit of nationalism.

Some people may say that such a vast country, with so many differences among the people, can never have national integration. A close acquaintance with the past history and culture of the country will show a different picture. 

In past, one after another the invaders came. Some went away after a lapse of time, while others mingled themselves among the local people. These people of different races became a part of the main stream of Indian Culture. 

They developed a feeling of unity inspite of the diversity among them. This unity developed in ancient India because there was mutual love and affection among the people. During the mediaeval period, the Rajput Kings ruling over small places, were charged with pride an rivalry. This led to internal strifes. The foreign invaders took the opportunity and nation

came under a foreign rule. Since then India has been disintegrated. The Britishers sowed the seeds of disunity in the nation and watered the separatist tendenscies of the people. They followed the policy of divide and rule'.

Since independence the spirit of disunity has manifested itself pronouncedly. The constitution made India a secular state, guaranteeing equal respect to all religions and freedom to profess, practise and propagate them. 

Safeguards were allowed to linguistic minorities. Untouchability was abolished and special provisions were made for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. Sometimes differences among people are magnified and explited by interested parites. 

They give undue importance to provincial, communal and local interests. Communal riots are still taking place in different parts of the country. These riots are causing a great setback to the progress and economy of the nation. 

Regionalism is another menace to national integration. The states are fighting among themselves over areas, over distrebution of river waters and over territory. These inter-state disputes should be solved to make our nation strong and prosperous. 

Linguism is another threat to national integration, English should not be imposed on Hindispeaking states and Hindi should not be forced on English-speaking states. Riots and agitations are the result of such divisive forces and feelings.

A National Integration Conference was convened in 1961. The conference set-up an Integration Council to review the problem, from time to time and make its recommendations. Later it was decided to form such councils at the state level as well.

Socio-economic equality is the basic condition of national unity. All sections of Indians should be assured of social justice, equality of opportunity and the sense of unity, Political parties should play a significant role in shaping the national outlook. 

They should teach people that they are Indians first and then anything else. They should sacrifice their personal interests in the interest of their country. The ideal of India's greatness and unity must be an integral part of our education. 

The students are the leaders of tomorrow. They should rise above all the narrow loyalties of caste, creed amd language. Poverty must be removed. National integration is the most urgent need of the present time. 

The government should make all out efforts to meet the situation strictly. It should not yield to regional pressures, violence and intimidation. The principle 'one industry'. 'one union' may help in the elimination of violence. 

We, as the citizens of India, should try our best to maintain communal harmony in our society and unite India into one nation. A love for the country-pride in her past achievements, confidence in her future progress, loyalty to the nation, a strong sense of discipline and an urge of social service. all these must be filled in the minds of our children as well as in the minds of all citizens of India.