Essay on unrest among youth

Essay on unrest among youth

Youths play a major role in upliftment of any society. They are the creators and future of any nation. That is why their unrest causes disturbances in the society. When the youths are not satisfied with any of the happening, cause or goal then the situation leads to unrest amongst them. 

But the unrest of youths can be disastrous on one side and beneficial on the other hand. If the turbulence among youths is for the benefit of the society or the nation, and is based on the pillars of truth and justice it is considered to be fruitful. But if it is for the personal gain, it is not good for the society as well as for the nation. 

During our independence movement, the unrest of youths was welcomed. Thousands of youths left education or government jobs during this period. They formed different forums, revolutionary groups and finally compelled the British to leave the country. 

The unrest in Assam lead to the progress and development of the state. Due to the unrest of Nepali youths, democracy was established in that country. Such revolt against the ruling power reflects the feeling of patriotism. 

But agitations against government for undue demands are dangerous for the nation and the society. Destroying public and private property to fulfill the demands cannot be justified. Violation of law or threat to the safety of people is unacceptable

Our faulty education system is mainly responsible for student's unrest. After getting a degree there is no employment, it brings desperation in them. This education does not enable them to earn a living. They are neglected by the teachers and many a times

by the parents too. For the sake of their interest, political parties make unjustified use of youngsters. They politicize their problems. Many times youths get involved in terrorist activities. This is a major threat for the nation. Generation gap is still another reason for the unrest among youths. 

The new generation wants to progress faster than the older one. If we carefully think about the reasons behind unrest among youths, we understand that it is easy to overcome this problem. If parents pay proper attention to their children, if there is healthy atmosphere in the family and proper guidance is given, then the child will definitely grow as a good citizen. 

The education system should be capable enough to provide employment. The educa- tional institutions should keep away from the politics. Older generation should not force younger generation to adopt their lifestyle; rather they should guide the youngsters whenever necessary. It is necessary to satisfy the needs of youngsters and make proper use of their creativity for securing our future.