write a paragraph contrasting the values of the working animals and the values of napoleon and the pigs. use evidence from the story so far to support your ideas.

write a paragraph contrasting the values of the working animals and the values of napoleon and the pigs. use evidence from the story so far to support your ideas.

A Brief Summary

In George Orwell's allegorical novella "Animal Farm," the contrasting values of the working animals and the ruling figures, notably Napoleon and the pigs, serve as a poignant commentary on the corruption of power. The working animals, exemplified by Boxer and Clover, represent the virtues of dedication, loyalty, and hard work. 

They toil tirelessly for the betterment of the farm, believing in the principles of equality and the original ideals of Animalism. Their values reflect the collective spirit and the pursuit of a fair society that initially motivated the rebellion against human oppression. 

In stark contrast, Napoleon and the pigs symbolize the corrupting influence of power. As they consolidate their control, they abandon these values and engage in manipulation, treachery, and greed, betraying the very ideals they had championed. The pigs' penchant for luxuries and privileges demonstrates how the allure of authority can corrupt even the noblest of intentions, ultimately leading to the betrayal of the working animals and the perversion of the farm's original values.

An Extended Explanation

"Animal Farm: A Tale of Contrasting Values - Working Animals vs. Napoleon and the Pigs"


George Orwell's "Animal Farm" is a timeless allegory that delves into the complexities of power, leadership, and the human (or rather, animal) condition. The contrasting values of the hardworking animals and their self-serving leaders, Napoleon and the pigs, provide a thought-provoking narrative that is as relevant today as when the book was first published. In this blog post, we'll explore these divergent values and their implications, drawing on evidence from the story to highlight the moral lessons Orwell intended to convey.

The Working Animals: Symbols of Dedication and Equality

The working animals on Manor Farm are introduced as the oppressed underclass, laboring tirelessly under the tyranny of Mr. Jones. They embody the values of dedication, equality, and solidarity.

Dedication to the Cause:

Boxer, the loyal and powerful horse, epitomizes unwavering dedication to the principles of Animalism. His oft-repeated mantra, "I will work harder," reflects his commitment to the betterment of the farm. He believes in the equality and justice promised by the Rebellion and is willing to put in the effort to achieve it.

Equality and Solidarity:

The working animals, like Boxer and Clover, join the Rebellion with a genuine desire for a fair and equal society. They symbolize the collective spirit of the proletariat, uniting for a common goal of breaking free from human oppression and achieving a utopian existence.

Napoleon and the Pigs: The Erosion of Values

As time progresses, the pigs, led by Napoleon, gradually betray the ideals of Animalism and the values initially championed during the Rebellion. Their actions reveal the corrupting nature of power and authority.

The Erosion of Equality:

Despite their initial commitment to equality, the pigs begin to appropriate privileges for themselves. They move into the farmhouse, sleep in beds, and even engage in trade with humans, all of which directly contradict the principles of Animalism. These actions illustrate the pigs' disregard for the values of equality and fairness that were once the bedrock of their revolution.

Manipulation and Deception:

Napoleon and the pigs manipulate the working animals, often through the character Squealer, who distorts the truth to serve the interests of the ruling class. They rewrite the Seven Commandments, changing their meaning to justify their own actions, a stark departure from the transparent and just society they initially sought.

Greed and Betrayal:

The pigs' descent into greed becomes evident as they exploit the working animals for their own gain. They trade their hard-earned produce with humans, amassing wealth while the rest of the animals toil in poverty. This betrayal of trust and the perversion of values are central to the narrative, highlighting how the allure of power can corrupt the noblest of intentions.

The Implications and Lessons:

Orwell's portrayal of the contrasting values of the working animals and Napoleon's regime offers several crucial lessons for readers:

The Fragility of Idealism:

The rapid decay of the Animalist ideals shows the vulnerability of idealistic movements when leaders prioritize their interests over the collective good. The story serves as a cautionary tale about how revolutionary zeal can be hijacked for personal gain.

The Danger of Concentrated Power:

Animal Farm underscores the corrupting influence of unchecked power and the potential for authoritarianism to emerge even in ostensibly egalitarian societies. The pigs' rise to power parallels the rise of dictatorial regimes in the real world, reminding us of the importance of maintaining checks and balances on authority.

The Relevance of History:

Orwell's allegory draws parallels to historical revolutions and power transitions, making us reflect on the lessons learned from the past. It encourages us to be vigilant in safeguarding the principles of justice and equality, as these can erode when complacency sets in.

The Role of Propaganda:

Squealer's manipulation of the truth serves as a stark reminder of the power of propaganda in shaping public perception and supporting authoritarian regimes. It prompts us to critically assess information and the narratives presented to us.


In "Animal Farm," the contrasting values of the working animals and Napoleon and the pigs provide a striking commentary on the erosion of noble ideals in the face of unchecked power and personal gain. The story emphasizes the importance of vigilance, transparency, and collective responsibility to protect the principles of justice and equality, lest they be compromised by those in authority. Orwell's masterpiece continues to serve as a timeless reminder of the dangers of allowing power to corrupt our most cherished values. It is a lesson that remains as relevant today as it was when the book was first published.