Computer Essay in English


Computer Essay in English 

Computers are a novel invention. India, U.S.A. and Japan are pioneers in the production of computers. There are continuous amendments and additions in their products. In the beginning computers were big so it was difficult to carry them from one place to the other. But that problem has been overcome. 

Now they are available in different sizes. They are compared with human brain. But still human brain is simply amazing. Full and authentic knowledge of human brain is still to be acquired. The experiments regarding the phenomenal use of the different parts of the brain is still on. 

All types of computers have to be fed before they are put to use. Computers help us in various ways. They have eased the botheration of housewife in kitchen and help her in many other ways. They are used by traders and businessmen for calculations and accounting work. 

People seek their fortune through them. They even compose poems. In big industries the robot performs very difficult work. The robot is all-time servant of our house. It takes down the messages on the phone and keeps all the accounts in the house. 

Doctors make use of the computers in hospitals. They also take its help while performing delicate operation. The computer helps doctors in tracing out hidden diseases. It helps scientists in difficult calculations. 

Spaceresearch people take the help of the computer because of its amazing accuracy in complicated calculations. Computer has brought many good changes in our life. But all good and nice things have their own limitations. 

People crave for luxury. But soon they get fade up after continuous use of their coveted luxury. Work and rest have equal importance in our life. Overdoing of the one at the cost of the other should be carefully avoided. We should always remember that in no case computer becomes our master. Let it be our useful and nice helper.

DIFFICULT WORDS Novel - of new kind, Authentic - of undisputed, Phenomenal - extraordinary, Research - systematic investigation of materials, Fade up - lose colour.