Landing On The Moon Essay English


Landing On The Moon Essay English

Introduction-Strikes and lockouts are common things today. They are art of industrial life. At work in industries stop after strikes and lock-outs. It is said strike is a revolution, lock out is counter revolution†workers go on strike for higher wages. Employers resort to lock-out as counter measure.

Workers demand-Workers want better wages and better homes. They ask for better health and better education. They demand better opportunity for self improvement. All these are healthy objectives. Workers want better return for their labours. They don't want to be exploited by their employers.

No welfare of Labour-Generally, employers do not want to think of the welfare of labour. They like everything for themselves at the cost of their workers. Some of the employers are hard hearted and cruel they are self centred Workers fail, workers go on strike. 

They stop work and thus force the revolutionary. Employers want to have everything for themselves. They like to pay minimum wages to workers. They always try for more and more profits. So employers oppose strikes. Employers feel that the workers are asking for something which must be denied to them. So they take recourse to lock-outs.

Strikes bring damage to economy-Strikes affect production. They damage the economy of the nation. The progress of the country is hampered, Lock-outs are equally harmful. Tension grow ground industrial belts, workers begin to suffer. Peace is disturbed, the nation suffers heavy losses. 

There is the shortage of the items in the country. Life becomes miserable. Price rise and inflation grows. Industrial unrest breaks the backbone of a country.

Strikes should have alm-In fact workers are within rights to go on strike. But strikes should aim at serving their interests. Employers should also be reasonable. They should consider the genuine demands of the workers. 

Industrial disputes are decided by arbitration. But workers should not go on strike on political and other unimportant grounds. Industrial peace will make the economy of the country sound. So situation requiring strikes on lock-outs must be avoided in a developing country like India.